Lissa Anglin • Part of Me Blog

Art, décor, family and photography- it's all part of me!

Unity in Glass

new ideas for your wedding ceremony • unity in glass


Shawn and finally got to visit the downtown farmer's market here in Lubbock last Saturday (I tend to want to sleep in on Saturdays since I'm usually shooting a wedding)- and I was pleasantly suprised in more than one way. Fresh organic produce, a coffee bar, handmade soaps and other wares greeted me. And so did Heidi Knight- who owns the ever-awesome Tornado Gallery with her husband. After talking for a while, she introduced me to Lee Ware who is creating some seriously beautiful works of art in his glassblowing studio (Sandstorm Glassworks) behind the gallery.

One of which caught my attention- and I knew I had to share it with you all! 

Lee is creating custom unity sculptures for couples. Instead of using a boring candle or sand (not always the best idea in windy West Texas), you can have a custom made, one-of-a-kind piece of art that was specifically created for you- and you get to take part in it! It's very simple.

You get to select the colors and combination of glass crystals, which Lee will ship to you. Mix them during your ceremony much like you would do with sand, and mail them back to him the the pre-paid envelope provided. He then creates your unity sculpture and you have something beautiful to remind you of your commitment always. Aren't they beautiful?

Above images from, shot by David Ingram.


Lee invited me to come back this week to watch the whole process- and of course I brought my camera! Watching him (and Heidi- who is his assistant) create was completely mesmerizing- and such an involved and skillful process. I was amazed at the amount of timing, planning, and artistic sense that it requires. It is clear that Lee has years of experience by the intentional way in which he works.


To see more information and photos of Lee's work, visit