Lissa Anglin • Part of Me Blog

Art, décor, family and photography- it's all part of me!

logan + courtney

lissa-anglin8 Comments

The day of their Engagment Photoshoot was my first day to meet these two- and as with any new clients, there's always a nervous anticipation for me. Little did I know how cool they would be! Logan plays in a band (fun stuff like old-school Usher) and Courtney is a teacher. If it tells you anything, they're having Rock Band set up at their reception- awesome!

We began at Tech, and then wandered over to the place where they first met- Rocky La Rue's. Logan was playing with his band and Courtney was totally checking him out. I loved getting to capture the way they give each other caring attention...and also Courtney's stunning eyes.

Proof that they both have great smiles as well!

I turned around and they were standing like this. Are you kidding me?