Lissa Anglin • Part of Me Blog

Art, décor, family and photography- it's all part of me!

The new How To Work It Workshop! (Pre-Registration now LIVE)


So, I finally just went for it. Here's a quick video about it:

Ya'll- I am about to BURST with overwhelmed excitement (and truthfully some holy-moly-is-this-really-happening-anxiety) right now! This has been something I have been dreaming of and working on for so long now and I can't believe we are just about to DO THIS THING. But, it's time! So here goes!

For several years now, I've been teaching in-person workshops for beginners who want to learn to really harness their DSLR camera and shoot in manual mode. In other words, I LOVE teaching people how to work their fancy cameras! Time and distance have made it difficult for me to put more workshops together and for a long time I've dreamed about putting the whole workshop online.


This camera course is for the beginner- people who were given a nice camera or chose to invest in one and just have not had the time to learn to shoot it. I've designed this course to be flexible, easily understood, and interactive

How To Workshop Attendees will receive:

• Access for 1 month to a private website where you'll be able to watch 5 video teaching lessons. Each lesson covers one or more important functions of your camera you'll need to understand in order to make a perfect exposure. 

• Printable PDF notes for each lesson.

• Access to our private Facebook group where we will share our photo assignments, give/get feedback, and have a couple of Live group sessions.

One of the best things about the new online format is that you will be able to do it at your own pace. You could potentially finish the entire course in 1 weekend, or you could do 1 or 2 lessons a week and draw it out a bit. If you feel you'd like to go over a lesson again, you can! 

It's important to me that all attendees are able to really harness the camera and equipment they already have and make the best use of it. 

Pre-registration is NOW OPEN until November 9th!

Our first workshop will begin in just a couple of weeks- November 15, 2016. If you pre-register between now and that date, you will receive $25 OFF!

I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about the workshop- feel free to leave a comment here on this blog post. 

Can't wait to see you there!