Lissa Anglin • Part of Me Blog

Art, décor, family and photography- it's all part of me!

Engagement session

Ryan + Ashley • Engagement at Texas Tech


I loved shooting Ryan and Ashley's engagement session where it all began for them- at Texas Tech! These two live in Houston now and made a weekend of it- visiting their old stomping grounds and getting some engagement photos taken. We had a gorgeous Lubbock morning to shoot and finished their session up at the place where they first met- and most anyone who went to Tech knows- Chimy's. Thanks, y'all, for a great session and congrats!

jacob + julie • engagement • lubbock, tx


These two are getting married in less than a month- and photographing them on a beautiful, unusually mild West Texas day was all I needed to remember the excitement and anticipation of being so, so close to that big day. I've known Jacob since college- and loved getting to meet his bride, Julie. These two laughed so much (and so well) together- it's easy to see why they are tying the knot. It won't be too long before you're seeing them as a bride + groom- but until then- enjoy their engagement session images!

mark + tara • engagement • amarillo, tx

lissa-anglin1 Comment

We began shooting Mark and Tara's Engagement session at the grocery store. That's right. It happens to be a special place for them- where their "meet cute" happened. They'd known each other for years, but seeing each other this time, something was different. Shortly thereafter Mark found himself asking Tara's father for permission to date her....and then a little while after that, permission to marry her.  

These two were so easy to photograph- their chemistry is real and clear. Both are just fun people to be around. After hearing that they were the wine-and-cheese type, my Mom helped me throw together a few props to complete their session. (Thanks Mom!)

But the wine and cheese almost didn't happen- as we drove to the last location, it started raining. hard. I drove in denial for a while, refusing to turn on my windshield wipers. :) Thankfully, we were given a dry, peaceful little bit to shoot. God is good to us! 

Love these two and can't wait for their wedding! 

